For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Community advice and preparedness

If major riverine flooding occurs, residents may need to evacuate. Sandbagging supplies are being restocked, with locations available on the NSW SES website and social media. The community is urged to plan ahead for themselves, their families, and pets, without waiting for an official warning. Panic buying is unnecessary, as supermarkets have stable supply chains, and the NSW SES will assist isolated communities with essential goods.

To prepare, secure loose items, trim trees, and avoid parking under trees or powerlines. Assemble an emergency kit with essentials like medications, documents, and pet food. Never enter floodwaters, and raise valuables above expected flood levels. Those at risk of isolation should stock up in advance.

Stay updated via the Hazards Near Me app. For assistance, call NSW SES at 132 500. In life-threatening situations, dial Triple Zero (000).

Many residents in Northern Rivers may be feeling concerned about the current weather event. Northern NSW Local Health District wants to reassure the community that preparedness plans are in place.

Current NSW SES warnings

View real-time warnings for flood, severe weather and tsunami in NSW by downloading the Hazards Near Me App and setting your watch zones, or using the below HazardWatch map.

Download for iOS | Download for Android

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Australian Warning System advice yellow icons representing flood, storm and tsunami.

An incident has started. Stay up to date as the situation changes.

Australian Warning System watch and act orange icons representing flood and storm
Watch and Act

There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family. NSW SES does not issue a Watch and Act level warning for tsunami.

Australian Warning System emergency red icons representing flood, storm and tsunami.
Emergency Warning

An Emergency Warning is the highest level of warning. You may be in danger and need to take action immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk.

NSW Health advice ahead of Cyclone Alfred and associated flooding

Flooding may impact healthcare services, particularly due to staff access issues, and contingency planning is underway.

For free health advice 24/7, call Healthdirect at 1800 022 222. If you need support in another language, contact TIS National at 131 450 and ask for Healthdirect.

If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero. For mental health support, visit NSW Health:

Be prepared with these apps

Download these four apps for weather warnings, hazard notifications, road impacts advice and help from emergency services.

Hazards Near Me

Set up a watch zone to receive notifications on changing conditions.

Live Traffic
Plan ahead and see what hazards are impacting your route on NSW roads.
Emergency Plus
The ‘what 3 words’ feature shares your precise location with emergency services.