For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Delivering nationally recognised training

The NSW State Emergency Service is a Registered Training Organisation (90656). Training available to our members (both volunteers and employees) may result in the award of nationally recognised qualifications, Units of Competency, accredited courses and skill sets. 

To maintain the quality of our training and assessment we operate under the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality Framework.

How we support our learners

The NSW SES adopts a flexible, blended approach to learning. The use of face-to-face learning mixed with interactive and self-paced activities has helped ensure that we cater for the wide range of needs of our learners.

The NSW SES also offers practical training that provides our members with the skills, knowledge and capability to perform key roles in communities across NSW.  Training pathways give our members visibility of options that allow them to plan their own learning journey during their time with the NSW SES, and be rewarded and recognised along the way.

Recognition of existing skills, knowledge and experience

We realise that people often bring a range of skills, knowledge and experience acquired from work, volunteering or previous study. Receiving recognition of what you bring to the NSW SES means you can focus on learning new skills, rather than re-learning things you are already qualified in.

Recognition can occur in two different ways:

Credit Transfer: Recognises previously completed studies that are equivalent to, or the same as, qualifications issued by NSW SES. This approach may be utilised where you can provide documents such as course transcripts or statements of attainment from a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): Recognises skills, knowledge or experience you have gained through such things as training or on the job experience. To apply for RPL you will need to provide current evidence to an assessor that demonstrates you have the skills and knowledge to meet the requirements of the course or qualification that you are applying for.


Additional information

When you join a NSW SES Unit you will be introduced to your Unit Training Coordinator.  They will have a discussion with you to identify your individual learning needs (including any Language, Literacy and Numeracy needs) and the training pathway you wish to embark upon.

Other resources and publications such as the NSW SES Learner Handbook are available for members on the NSW SES intranet (mySES). These provide information about courses and learning pathways and allow you to better understand your rights and responsibilities when undertaking training with the NSW SES.

Learn more about NSW SES roles.