Current NSW SES warnings
View real-time warnings for flood, severe weather and tsunami in NSW by downloading the Hazards Near Me App and setting your watch zones, or using the below HazardWatch map.

An incident has started. Stay up to date as the situation changes.

There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family. NSW SES does not issue a Watch and Act level warning for tsunami.

An Emergency Warning is the highest level of warning. You may be in danger and need to take action immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk.
Emergency resources
Having an emergency kit ready to go can help you save precious time if you need to leave in a hurry. Use this checklist to gather and tick off the items as you put your kit together.
Find a list of all current evacuation centres and opening hours.
If your power or gas goes out or there's a fault or emergency, contact your distributor and follow these steps.
Depending on the flood heights predicted, you may be able to sandbag your property to protect it from flooding.
What to do during an emergency
Understand what to do in a flood, storm and tsunami hazard.

Floods can have different impacts depending on the severity. You need to get ready based on predictions to keep people and property safe. Learn about the official flood warnings and get familiar your evacuation routes.

During a storm, stay home and follow all advice from emergency services. In a cyclone or tornado, go to a safer shelter immediately. If driving, find secure shelter away from trees, powerlines, and low-lying areas Turn around at flooded roads and find a safer way to go to seek shelter.

During a tsunami there is often little time to prepare your property and if it is a Land Inundation Threat, no preparations will protect your property adequately due to the large amount of debris that often accompanies tsunami waves.
Be prepared with these apps
Download these four apps for weather warnings, hazard notifications, road impacts advice and help from emergency services.
Set up a watch zone to receive notifications on changing conditions.