For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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NSW SES partnerships model

The NSW SES partnerships model follow four main goals:





Our priorities for communities and members

Community resilience

Create informed and resilient communities that make safer decisions before, during and after emergencies.

Operational resources

Ensure assets, facilities and resources are fit for purpose and future ready to enable us to support our communities.

Operational capability

Strengthen and grow our operational capability to ensure communities are supported when they need it most.

Skills and training

Broker strong training partnerships which expand opportunities for members to enhance their skills and application.

Volunteer experience

Sustain a high performing volunteer workforce through an effective onboarding pipeline and positive member experience.

AAMI insurance partnership

AAMI, a major partner of NSW SES since 2023, supports the agency’s strategic priorities in community resilience, engagement, education, and preparedness, along with public safety campaigns and volunteer initiatives.

NSW SES Commissioner Carlene York APM said working in partnership with AAMI would assist communities throughout NSW that have been significantly impacted by floods and storms. 

“We look forward to working in partnership with AAMI to focus on key priority areas, with an overarching focus on community resilience, engagement and education,” Commissioner York said. 

“Through this generous support from AAMI, the NSW SES will be investing in programs and education campaigns that are designed to increase resilience at a local level and enhance community preparedness. The partnership aims to support volunteer efforts, highlight shared learnings, and bolster overall capability for the NSW SES. 

“We have seen our NSW SES volunteers show up time and time again to assist their community in floods and storms, and we are really excited to be presented with the opportunity to further help our volunteers as they work tirelessly to support their communities.” 

Lisa Harrison, CEO of Insurance Product and Portfolio at Suncorp Group, stated, “AAMI is excited to work together with the NSW SES in assisting communities during their time of need. This partnership will see us deliver to all parts of the state to support the ongoing needs of the volunteers of NSW SES”.

She highlighted AAMI’s similar partnerships with Victoria SES and Queensland SES, adding, “With our new NSW partnership, we are proud to back the many thousands of SES volunteers who provide emergency assistance to Australians when they need it most.” 

NSW SES partnership with AAMI

If you are interested in coming a partner of the NSW SES please email: