For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Children and schools

The resources provided in the Children and Schools pages help kids and parents get prepared for emergencies together, offer some fun activities for children and support teachers across NSW to educate school students about flood risk. 

For schools
Planning for children

It is important to include your children in discussions about emergency plans for your house and family. Have age-appropriate discussions about the importance of being prepared for emergencies and what to do in different scenarios.


Engaging and supporting schools at risk of flooding to further develop their emergency management plans for the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley.

Triple Zero Kids’ Challenge is an interactive platform that provides young children with valuable skills and knowledge. Children learn about the key risks from flood, storm and tsunami and how to prepare.

Curriculum for primary and secondary schools

Water in the valley

NSW Primary School Geography syllabus materials, developed by NSW SES, designed to support teachers across NSW to educate school students about flood risk, using the example of flooding in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley.

Water in the world

Secondary School syllabus materials designed to support teachers across NSW to educate school students about flood risk, using the example of flooding in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley.

Activities for children

Secondary School syllabus materials designed to support teachers across NSW to educate school students about flood risk, using the example of flooding in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley.

The items below are available for download:

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  • Choose 'high-res' when a print ready file is needed to supply to your printer for reprinting.
Australia Warning System kids colour-in sheets

The items below are available for download

Kids activity posters

The items below are available for download

Chatterbox activity sheets

The items below are available for download

Useful educational resources

Helping Hands is a disaster resilience curriculum planning tool kit for early childhood educators to help young children and their families prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and disasters.

Pillowcase workshops run by Red Cross Australia help children prepare for, cope with and respond to an emergency.

Australian Red Cross has developed resources to help teachers educate students from pre-school to year 12 about important emergency preparedness and recovery information.

Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience has created a suite of educational resources for educators, parents and caregivers, and young people, to teach, learn about and build disaster resilience.

DRANZSEN brings together educators, emergency services, community organisations, researchers and others working with young people to develop knowledge, skills and solutions for a disaster resilient future.

Research and resources focused on child-centred disaster risk reduction.