For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Attend an event and start a conversation that could support you, your family and your community during a storm, flood or tsunami.

Event type
Showing results 1 - 10 of 33 results
Fete / Festival / Fair / Expo / Field Day / Local Show
Braidwood Scout Hall, 13 Coghill Street, Braidwood NSW
Your local NSW SES Braidwood Unit will be attending the 1st Braidwood Scouts . We would love to chat to you about your local flood, storm risks and what you can do to prepare, respond and recover. Drop by and say hi.
Fete / Festival / Fair / Expo / Field Day / Local Show
Your local NSW SES City of Sydney Unit will be attending the Sydney Streets in Redfern event. We would love to chat to you about your local storm and flood risks and what you can do to prepare, respond and recover. Drop by and say hi.
Community Meeting / Forum / Workshop
Emergency Service Centre, Ellendon Street, Bungendore
Bungendore NSW SES is hosting a Women’s Workshop focused on life in rural communities. Gain valuable insights and practical tips from local women leaders and organisations.
Parade / March
Wagga Wagga
NSW SES will be proudly participating once again in the 2025 Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras!
Fete / Festival / Fair / Expo / Field Day / Local Show
11 Dent Street Huskisson
Your local NSW SES St Georges Basin Unit will be attending the Maratime Markets. We would love to chat to you about your local Flash Flooding and Storm risks and what you can do to prepare, respond and recover. Drop by and say hi.
Fun Day
Bunnings Campbelltown - Blaxland Road, Campbelltown NSW 2560
Come along and learn about the work that our members do for the community during floods and storms, as they showcase the skills they have learnt as an SES volunteer.
Open Day
9 Central Rd Port Macquarie
Your local NSW SES Port Macquarie Hastings Unit will be holding a Community Open Day. We will show case our unit facilities, have live demonstrations, interactive stands and educate on storm preparedness. We would love to chat to you about your local storm risks and what you can do to prepare, respond and recover. Drop by and say Hi and enjoy some…
Lake Illawarra PCYC - 156 Reddall Parade, Lake Illawarra NSW 2528
NSW SES Shellharbour City Unit will be attending the Ultimate Learner Log Book Run! Come and chat with us about local flash flooding risks and how to plan safe travel, with a focus on understanding the dangers of driving through floodwaters. This event is free to attend. To participate, register via the Shellharbour City Council website.