For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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About spontaneous volunteers

The NSW SES partners with communities during a crisis to respond where help is needed most. In large-scale disasters, spontaneous volunteer groups and individuals are an integral part of supporting our communities with the right help at the right time. 

As a spontaneous volunteer, you are volunteering to assist your community without an ongoing volunteer commitment. You could assist with a range of roles including (but not limited to):

  • Protecting properties from flooding
  • Assisting residents prepare for severe weather events
  • Providing administrative support
  • Assisting with a logistical role to support our teams in the field
  • Clearing debris and cleaning up after storms
  • Assisting in the distribution of pre-prepared community safety messages

The NSW SES will call for assistance through social media and local media channels. Please stay tuned to your local NSW SES Unit’s Facebook page for further information. You can also stay informed and follow our NSW SES social media feeds (Facebook or Twitter).

Hear from Lachlan Costello, a spontaneous volunteer with NSW SES

Hands up to help your community - Spontaneous volunteering

How do I get involved?

The NSW SES continues to work with spontaneous volunteers in our emergency response efforts across the state.

Spontaneous volunteering is most useful when community members step up in response to a current event. 

During emergencies, opportunities may arise for you to work with the NSW SES to protect and assist your community. For tips on how to safely and thoughtfully volunteer spontaneously, watch the following videos to learn how you can help.

We onboard individuals who register directly with us and engage with those already active in the response. Your support and cooperation ensure our communities receive the right help at the right time. Your local Unit’s Facebook page provides information on how to get involved.

If you're already responding in the community, it’s important to coordinate your activities with the local NSW SES Unit to ensure our community gets the right help at the right time. Let's work together to keep everyone safe.

Are you ready to join as a volunteer?

Apply now

Look after yourself. Look out for your mates.

We are always grateful for our fellow community members who step up to help but ask that individuals and community groups do not undertake high-risk activities that may put themselves or anyone else in harm’s way. Your safety comes first.

Spontaneous volunteer onboarding

Ready to get involved? Next time the NSW SES request assistance from community members during a disaster, you can put your hand up. Those who step in to help will be briefed, given a short induction and assigned tasks – you’ll also be eligible for wellbeing support services afterwards. Stay safe and have a great experience.