For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Know your storm risk

Storms generate different dangers

Storms can happen anywhere and at any time.

There are many natural signs of storm, for example:

  • Damaging winds
  • Intense, heavy rainfall
  • Hail
  • Thunder and lightning
  • Flash flooding
  • Large powerful waves, ocean surges, and coastal erosion.

Storms can cause major damage

Storms can:

  • damage houses, cars and other property
  • cause trees, branches and powerlines to fall
  • cause loss of electricity, gas, communications and access to safe drinking water
  • cause damage to and flooding of coastal areas
  • cause flash-flooding of roads and property, low-lying areas, causeways and creeks.

Prepare for Storms

Download the Hazards Near Me app to your mobile devices and create Watch Zones for the areas you live, work and visit.

Keep your gutters, yard, balcony and roof clean and tidy, and in good repair.

Ensure that you have the right insurance.

Prepare an emergency kit. Your emergency kit must have: 

  • Portable radio with spare batteries
  • Torch with spare batteries
  • First aid kit (with supplies necessary for your household)
  • Candles and waterproof matches
  • Important papers including emergency contact numbers
  • Copy of all emergency plans
  • Waterproof bag for valuables. 

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Make safe decisions during a storm

Look and listen for weather warnings 

Look and listen for storm weather warnings issued from the Bureau of Meteorology including Severe Weather Warnings and Severe Thunderstorm Warnings.

The NSW SES will issue an Advice, Watch and Act or Emergency Warning. The level of warning is dependent on the impact and expected consequences of the storm. 

These warnings will appear on the Hazards Near Me app.

Act safely

Secure or put away loose items in your yard or on your balcony, for example: trampolines, umbrellas, tables and chairs, and pet food bowls.

Park cars under secure cover (garages, carports) away from trees, powerlines and low-lying areas.

Ensure that your children and animals in your care are brought inside to safety. 

Monitor local weather conditions 

Ensure your neighbours, family and friends are aware of the current warnings.

Listen to your local radio and TV for current weather updates.

Follow all advice from emergency services.

Stay safe at home

Stay indoors, away from doors and windows.

Reconsider driving or traveling during storms.

Stay safe if driving

Slow down and drive to the conditions.

Pull over to seek shelter in a safe location, preferably away from trees, powerlines and low-lying areas.

Check Live Traffic and listen to updates on your local radio station

Stay safe outside

Call NSW SES on 132 500 if you require emergency assistance or Triple Zero (000) if you are in a life-threatening situation.

Find safe shelter, preferably indoors.

Stay away from drains and waterways.

Stay away from trees, powerlines and other objects that can fall or become airborne in wind.

Be aware of the risk from lightning and avoid outside activities that can put you at risk.

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Stay safe after storms

Stay up to date

The Bureau of Meteorology will cancel a Severe Weather Warning or Severe Thunderstorm Warning when the storm has passed.

NSW SES may issue an Advice: Threat is Reduced.

If you left the affected area, return with caution once the storm has passed.

If your home was affected

Call NSW SES on 132 500 if you require emergency assistance.

Arrange safety inspections and repairs for your home, business and property, including gas and electricity connections.

Contact professionals to assess damage to your property, for example: 

  • relevant tradespeople
  • arborist 
  • builder
  • tiler
  • plumber.

If you rent, contact your landlord for any urgent repairs.

Contact your insurance company.

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