For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Know your flood risk

Find out about your flood risk

Contact your council for localised information about your flood risk. 

Contact your local NSW SES Unit for localised flood information. There also may be local flood information on the NSW SES website.

Talk to your neighbours and to residents who have lived, worked or visited the area for a long time for historical flood information.

Research the height your home, business or property may be affected by flood. This information should be available from your council.

Ensure that you have the right insurance policy to cover flood damage for your home and property.

Be aware of the impacts of flood

There are many impacts of flood, for example:

  • Damage to your home, business or property

  • Loss of power and water supply

  • Loss of communication connections

  • Damage to sewage systems

  • Floodwater over roads, bridges and places you visit

  • Isolation. Even if your property is not flooded, you could be surrounded by floodwater.

Know what to do and where to go

Have emergency plans for your home, business and property. Plan for all people and animals in your care. 

Share your emergency plan with family, neighbours and colleagues and review it regularly.

Plan to leave early.

Plan safe routes of travel for different road closure scenarios.

Organise a safe place to go that is outside the flood risk area, for example at a friend or relative’s house. If this is not an option, plan to go to an evacuation centre.

Prepare an emergency kit

Your emergency kit must have: 

  • Portable radio with spare batteries

  • Torch with spare batteries

  • First aid kit (with supplies necessary for your household)

  • Candles and waterproof matches

  • Important papers including emergency contact numbers

  • Copy of all emergency plans

  • Waterproof bag for valuables.

Be informed

Download the Hazards Near Me app to your mobile devices and create Watch Zones for the areas you live, work and visit.

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Prepare for flood

Know the warnings

Look and listen for flood and weather warnings from the NSW SES and the Bureau of Meteorology.

Monitor the natural signs of flooding, including heavy rainfall, rushing or pooling water. 

Act early. You may not get a warning from the NSW SES. 

The NSW SES will issue an Advice, Watch and Act or Emergency Warning. The level of warning is dependent on the impact and expected consequences of the flood. 

Follow your emergency plan

Follow the emergency plans for your home, business and property. Follow your plan for all people and animals in your care. 

Prepare your emergency kit in case you need to leave.

Prepare to leave

Find a safe route to leave by using the Live Traffic app.

Pack your ‘last-minute items’ into your emergency kit, for example:

  • A good supply of required medications

  • Any specific requirements and supplies for babies, disabled people, infirmed and elderly people.

  • Appropriate clothing and footwear

  • Fresh food and drinking water.

Before you Leave

Turn off gas, electricity and water before you leave.

Take your emergency kit.

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Make safe decisions during a flood

Check the latest warnings

Visit the NSW SES website for current information.

Check the Hazards Near Me app.

Listen to radio and TV for information, updates and advice.

Share information about floods with family, friends and neighbours.

Monitor local conditions

Check for road closures at the Live Traffic website.

Stay away from flooded areas.

Act safely

Follow all advice from emergency services.

Never walk, ride or drive through floodwater. Never play in floodwater.

Go to the safe place you identified outside the flood risk area or to an evacuation centre.

Too late to leave

If you are trapped by flood, seek shelter in the highest part of a sturdy building or on higher ground and call Triple Zero (000) for rescue. This is a life-threatening situation.

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Stay safe after floods

Stay up to date

Look and listen for information, updates and advice.

Check the NSW SES website and your council website.

Avoid flood impacted areas. 

If you left

Proceed with caution. Roads, public areas and buildings may be unsafe.

NSW SES will issue an Advice: Return with Caution. Do not return home until NSW SES has issued this advice.

Keep children and your animals away from flood affected areas. 

Avoid floodwater and mud because it can make you sick.

If your home was impacted

Arrange safety inspections and repairs for your home, business and properties, including gas and electricity connections. Contact Service NSW if you need assistance. 

Contact your insurance company.

Consider flood-resistant options if rebuilding.

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