For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Explore the latest news and media releases from NSW SES. If you have a media enquiry, please call 1800 067 234 or email during business hours.

Showing results 161 - 168 of 168 results
Winds of more than 90 kilometres an hour have torn roofs off properties, led to structural collapse and brought down trees in parts of NSW.
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Residents and visitors in eastern parts of the state are being urged to stay up to date with weather warnings as heavy rain is forecast, bringing a risk of flash flooding in low lying areas.
Media release
The New South Wales State Emergency Service (NSW SES) has launched the inclusion of severe weather warnings as part of the Hazards Near Me NSW App and Hazard Watch.  
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Emergency service personnel from NSW State Emergency Service (SES), Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW), and the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) have deployed to Queensland to assist with potential Tropical Cyclone Kirrily.  
Media release
The next generation of NSW State Emergency Service (SES) leaders have come together in Sydney this weekend.  
Media release
The third and final contingent of NSW State Emergency Service (SES) and Rural Fire Service (RFS) personnel are returning home today following an interstate deployment to Queensland.
Media release
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a warning for severe thunderstorms and flash floods across the southern portion of NSW, starting from this evening and lasting until Tuesday.
Media release
This Harmony Week, NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES) is celebrating the diversity of its volunteers and the invaluable contributions they make to keeping their communities safe.  
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