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Three members recognised in Australia Day Honours List


Three NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES) volunteers have received medals in this year’s Australia Day Honours List for their decades of dedication and service to their local communities. 

Tony Battam, Sharon Buckley and Christine Speer

Three NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES) volunteers have received medals in this year’s Australia Day Honours List for their decades of dedication and service to their local communities.  

Narrabri and Lower Namoi Local Commander, Chief Inspector Tony Battam, and Lake Macquarie Local Commander, Chief Inspector Christine Speer, received Emergency Services Medals for their unwavering commitment to volunteer service with the NSW SES for more than four decades. Ashfield-Leichhardt Unit Commander, Inspector Sharon Buckley was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for her service to the community.

NSW SES Commissioner Mike Wassing AFSM commended the members for their selfless and ongoing service to their communities.

“These medals are a testament to the outstanding contributions they have made to the NSW SES and the steadfast dedication and support they have given their local communities,” Commissioner Wassing said.

“They have both assisted in life-critical incidences, supporting communities through severe storms and floods, to building preparedness and capability in their units – they truly embody our Service’s mission of saving lives and protecting communities.”

Chief Inspector Battam has been a member of the NSW SES for more than 40 years, having joined the Service in 1984.

He has been deployed to some of the State’s most significant incidents, including the 1997 Thredbo Landslide, the 1999 Sydney Hailstorms and the 2001 Casino Severe Storms. More recently he was deployed to the March 2021 flooding event and severe weather in November 2021, where he assisted isolated communities, directed the emergency response, and serviced the community.

Chief Inspector Battam has made a significant contribution to the safety and wellbeing of the Lower Namoi community and is highly regarded for dedicating his time and sharing his skills and knowledge with new members.

Chief Inspector Battam said his service and time with the NSW SES had been greatly humbling and meaningful.

“It has been a privilege to support the community in times of need. I am pleased I’ve been able to contribute by serving the community, mentoring other members and helping units reach their full potential,” Chief Inspector Battam said.

Chief Inspector Speer brings a wealth of knowledge to the Service, having also been a member for more than 40 years since joining in 1981.

She has been involved in many notable deployments, including the 1994 and 2002 Lake Macquarie bushfires, the 2012 Goodooga floods, the March 2017 Lismore Flood event, the 2019/20 bushfires and the 2021 Northern Rivers floods.

Chief Inspector Speer is known to work closely with other emergency service agencies and the local council during operational periods and is active in the promotion of community awareness of storms and flooding.

Chief Inspector Speer said she was grateful for the recognition, but volunteering had given her much in return.

“I often hear people say, ‘I couldn't do anything like that’ but I believe anyone can achieve almost anything if they are willing to put in the time and effort,” Chief Inspector Speer said. 

“Volunteering with the NSW SES has given me new skills, lasting friendships and the immense satisfaction of giving back.”

Inspector Buckley joined Ashfield-Leichhardt Unit in 2006, and has since held the roles of Team Leader, Rescue Officer, Duty Officer (ongoing), Deputy Unit Commander and now Unit Commander.

In her near 20 years at NSW SES, she has been awarded the Hunter Medal, Cyclone Yasi (QLD 2011), 2019/ 20 Premiers Bushfire Citation, 2019/20 NEM for Bushfire, National Medal, NSW SES Long Service - 15 years, Commissioner’s Certificate of Appreciation and the Unit Citation for Public Safety for New Year’s Eve on Balmain Peninsula.

On Australia Day, Inspector Buckley was on a scientific voyage in Antarctica.

In her absence, Acting Unit Commander Larissa Brisbane said "Sharon makes SES a pleasure, giving us confidence in serious activities, yet bringing a sense of fun”.

“She really cares for people, and continues to challenge herself - and us - to try new things,” she said.

“At the same time, Sharon is conscious of the trust she is given and of using what we have to serve the community."

Ashfield-Leichhardt Deputy Unit Commander Chris Sulter said "Sharon instills enthusiasm and trust through her leadership, and is always willing to share her knowledge. Her colleagues at Ashfield-Leichhardt are extremely proud of her achievement”.

The Emergency Services Medal (ESM) recognises distinguished service as a member of an Australian emergency service. It is awarded to both those in state services and voluntary organisations. The Emergency Services Medal also recognises people who are involved in emergency management, training or education. The Order of Australia Medal recognises Australians who have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional achievement.

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