Editors note: Vision from today’s press conference and preparation activities in Casino can be accessed via hightail: https://spaces.hightail.com/space/3TcFX2FxXG
The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) is advising communities across North Eastern NSW to take action as impacts continue from incoming Cyclone Alfred.
In the coming days North Eastern NSW will experience destructive winds, which could bring down trees and powerlines and damage buildings.
Significant heavy rainfall is expected once the wind subsides, producing moderate to major flooding in regions stretching from Taree to Tweed Heads.
More than 100 schools in Northern NSW will begin closing from today. For the full list and information visit the NSW Education website.
NSW SES Commissioner Mike Wassing AFSM warned the threat of Cyclone Alfred and the impacts which will follow will be severe.
“This is a very dangerous weather system impacting northern parts of the state. We are dealing with three natural disasters in one – gale force winds, rainfall and flooding,” Commissioner Wassing said.
“From the early hours of Friday morning, as cyclone impacts are expected, an abnormally high tide is predicted in northern parts of the state.
“For those living in beach front areas. You know what your highest tides usually are. We are expecting them to be about half a metre higher. Depending on where you live these high tides may bring water into your homes.”
There is currently a Flood Watch in place for major riverine flooding, with significant localised flooding possible along the Northern Rivers and Mid North Coast from Thursday.
The severe rainfall is also predicted to lead to moderate to major flooding along 13 river catchments across North Eastern NSW, including the Wilsons River at Lismore.
“You will recall the floods from the end of March 2022. The worst-case scenario forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology's rain and flood modelling suggests we could reach a similar level,” Commissioner Wassing said.
“Floods at moderate and major levels in the past have seen many areas inundated, properties isolated, and thousands of people needing to evacuate.
“We are working with our emergency service partners to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of the community, including those who may be more vulnerable.”
The Public Information and Inquiry Centre (PIIC) is open as of 12pm today. The PIIC can be contacted on 1800 227 228 for preparedness advice and general information.
The NSW SES is advising people to download the Hazards Near Me App which will include the latest warnings and information for impacted communities.
For assistance during floods and storms call the NSW SES on 132 500 or Triple Zero (000) for life threatening emergencies.
If you are concerned for your loved ones, please use the Red Cross Register.Find.Reunite service. This service lets family, friends and emergency services know that you are safe in the event of an emergency.
Media enquiries: Call NSW SES Media on 1800 0667 234.