Michelle De Friskbom


Bega Unit

"I am passionate about running realistic training exercises for our volunteer members, I love being part of an awesome team and family".

Tell us a bit about yourself and your role within NSW SES?

I am the Deputy Unit Controller and Training Coordinator at NSW SES Bega Unit, which means that I help the Unit Controller with the day-to- day running of the Unit and also manage the training side of the house. I look after the training needs of the members in our Unit, organise courses, plan and budget for training and scenario based exercises, and run the Unit training calendar. I have also been able to gain endorsements for a number of courses which means I can now teach these courses to other members.

Why did you join NSW SES? Anything that was deciding factor for you?

After transferring from full time Army in 2016, I missed the training and being part of a team. After seeing a local NSW SES display I decided that I could achieve both of these and also give back to my community, a win win!!!

What is your favourite part about being a member of the NSW State Emergency Service?

I love the training courses I have been able to undertake with NSW SES, especially joint training with the Rural Fire Service for flood rescue. I am passionate about running realistic training exercises for our members, I love being part of an awesome team/family and I get so much enjoyment in giving back to my community.

What are the various skills you have learnt along the way?

  • Storm and Water Damage Operations
  • Rescue Operations
  • Vertical Rescue
  • Flood Boat Operations
  • Flood Rescue

What advice would you give to others that are thinking to join?

You never know what you may be able to achieve! There's a job for everyone in NSW SES, especially given the new Volunteering Reimagined opportunities.

Sign up online and meet your local Unit.



Thinking about becoming a member like Michelle but not sure what you'd like to do? Find out about our various volunteering roles

Port Stephens Homemakers Centre, Taylors Beach
Community Market Day
Community Market Day Saturday 06/07/2024 09:00 AM to 06/07/2024 01:00 PM
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