Lyndsey Crammond


City of Sydney Unit

"I wanted to do something for my community and a friend recommended the NSW SES."

Tell us a bit about yourself and your role within NSW SES?

I have been with the NSW SES for 2 years and currently a part of the Volunteer Management Team.

We are currently working on implementing Volunteering Reimagined and reviewing the new volunteering opportunities in our area.

Why did you join NSW SES? Anything that was deciding factor for you?

I wanted to do something for my community and a friend recommended the SES.

After looking at the website and speaking to the City of Sydney Unit I decided to become a member.

What is your favourite part about being a member of the NSW State Emergency Service?

Being a part of a community and also getting to learn new skills.

What are the various skills you have learnt along the way?

  • Communications
  • First Aid
  • Storm and Chainsaw

What advice would you give to others that are thinking to join?

Sign up online and meet your local Unit.

Lyndsey Crammond

Thinking about becoming a member like Lyndsey but not sure what you'd like to do? Find out about our various volunteering roles

Port Stephens Homemakers Centre, Taylors Beach
Community Market Day
Community Market Day Saturday 06/07/2024 09:00 AM to 06/07/2024 01:00 PM
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