Keith Fraser


The Rock Unit

Keith has specialised in several areas, which include Vertical Rescue, Road Crash Rescue, Large Animal Rescue, Storm and Water Damage Operator and has over 15 years of training and assessing members.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your role within NSW SES?

I have been a Team Leader for major events in Sydney and other locations, and a Team Leader for my local unit.

Over the years, I have repaired leaking roofs, assisted families out of vehicles, answered calls from the public and engaged with our local community through school visits and community events. I love playing ‘Paddy’ at events, and helping kids learn about floods and storms with our unit’s snakes and ladders game.


Why did you join NSW SES?

I joined NSW SES in 2003, coming across form the VRA with my friend in Orange, Shane (I was poached). I started at the Wagga Unit and am now with The Rock Unit. NSW SES has given me the opportunity to help my community and provide skills to members who I have watched, with pride, become specialists in their own fields.


What is your favourite part about being a member of the NSW State Emergency Service?

As a trainer for NSW SES, I enjoy being able to pass on my skills and knowledge. Building friendships throughout the SES, who I now consider family, is also another favourite part.


What are the various skills you have learnt along the way?

I have learnt and done so many things with NSW SES and other volunteer organisations. I have made lots of friends across the state and knowing I have been able to help so many people over the years has made it rewarding.


What advice would you give to others that are thinking to join?

Don’t think, just do it. It will be a rewarding time and the skills you learn are invaluable. Sometimes it is full on, especially when you are learning new skills, but it is worth it in the end.



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Port Stephens Homemakers Centre, Taylors Beach
Community Market Day
Community Market Day Saturday 06/07/2024 09:00 AM to 06/07/2024 01:00 PM
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