Tony McPhail


The Rock Unit

Tony decided to join the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) after witnessing emergency workers when his brother was involved in a bus crash.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your role within NSW SES?

I have been a volunteer in emergency services for almost 40 years, 15 of which I have spent with NSW SES. I have also been volunteering with the RFS for 22 years now and even spent 25 years with the VRA.

My role with NSW SES is to maintain my unit’s capability in all aspects and lead a dedicated team to help their community in times of need. I train and guide the GREAT team I have with me to improve their ability to help others. All this, of course, cannot be done without the support of my family and the families of the other members. 


Why did you join NSW SES?

I guess the main reason for joining emergency services was when my brother was involved in a bus crash. When I became old enough, I joined to help as others helped on that day. I have been in emergency services ever since. 


What is your favourite part about being a member of the NSW SES?

Learning new things every day. But I guess it is mainly seeing my team develop and work together towards a common goal. There are also the lifelong relationships I have formed over the time. 


What are the various skills you have learnt along the way?

Too many to mention. But if I had to name one it would be developing and working with a great team. 


What advice would you give to others that are thinking to join?

Just do it! Join and give it a go and see where it can lead you.


Thinking about becoming a volunteer like Tony but not sure what you'd like to do? 

Learn more out about our various Volunteering Roles

Port Stephens Homemakers Centre, Taylors Beach
Community Market Day
Community Market Day Saturday 06/07/2024 09:00 AM to 06/07/2024 01:00 PM
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