For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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The NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES) is the lead agency in the response to floods, storms and tsunamis in NSW. The NSW SES also supports other emergency services in times of natural and man-made disasters and is committed to building safer and more resilient communities. NSW SES is recognised as the most versatile and widely used emergency service in NSW. NSW SES has over 10,000 volunteers which are highly-skilled and well-trained to provide rescue, first aid and other vital services in emergencies.

The NSW SES is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation with deductible gift recipient status, additional financial support is always welcomed and allows us to invest more into training and developing our volunteers. NSW communities benefit from the time and effort that our volunteers provide during flood and storm events. We are humbled by our volunteers, not only for what they do but for the personal sacrifices they make. We would like to thank them and their families for their time and support. It is that commitment and dedication that allows the NSW SES to protect life and property around the state.

All instructions and terms and conditions for making donations to the NSW SES are listed below.

Making a single donation

Donations made directly to the NSW SES are for the benefit of volunteers and are always gratefully received and are a tremendous help. All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible.

Making a one off donation by Credit Card:

This is simple and you can do that by filling out the form on this page.

You can choose the local unit you wish your donation to go towards and you will receive an automatic thank you letter acknowledging your donation along with a taxation receipt for your personal records.

If you have any questions, please contact our donations team.

Contact donations team


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No credit card or computer?

Then simply mail your cheque to:

PO BOX 6126

Please remember to include your return address details so we can send you a taxation receipt.

Leave a bequest

By leaving a legacy in your will to the NSW SES through a bequest, you make a powerful commitment that will assist us in developing volunteers, investing in their skills and abilities so that we may continue the tradition of promoting community resilience and the coming together of people to combat the threat of natural disasters.

Thank you for considering leaving a gift to the NSW SES in your Will.

The NSW SES operates as one big family, we realise the importance of family and close relationships. Family and loved ones should always come first, and we encourage anyone considering such a gift to discuss their intentions with their love ones and support channels as it is a big decision. This is an important step, talking to family and seeking legal advice about your Will. Effective communication will help to assist your final wishes are carried out with dignity and in the manner that you envisaged. We are grateful when people decide to include a gift in their Will to the NSW SES, as our volunteers benefit directly from this generosity.

Leaving a gift in a Will is an important decision but it doesn't have to be complicated. Here are the basics steps we would encourage donors to follow:

Have the very important conversation with your family and friends.

Seek the appropriate level of legal advice and guidance.

Make up your Will and decide the level of support you wish to provide.

Notify family of your decisions and keep them in the loop.

Notify NSW SES of your intentions.

If you have any questions or would like help with gifting to the NSW SES in a Will, then please write to bequests and a member of our team will contact you.

Contact bequests team

Other ways to help


The NSW SES does NOT operate any raffles.

The NSW SES Volunteers Association (NSW SES VA) is an Association for Volunteer members of the NSW SES and provides representation and many support services to members. The NSW SES VA works closely with the NSW SES to achieve common goals and represent the voice of its Volunteer members. The Volunteers Association runs regular community raffles and funds raised from the NSW SES VA raffle go to supporting the Volunteers and assist the NSW SES Volunteers Association in achieving its various objectives.

Click here to find out more about the Volunteers Association and its Raffles.