NSW SES assists vulnerable people as peak revised at Forbes

05/11/2022 06:29 PM

The rescue of an elderly man was one of 105 requests for assistance NSW SES members have completed today at Forbes.

NSW SES continues to assist vulnerable people requiring medical evacuation and transporting essential workers.

Today, the Lachlan River at Forbes is expected to peak at 10.70 metres, which is below the 1952 level earlier predicted.

Despite this revised level, Southern Zone Deputy Incident Controller Ken Murphy said it had been a very busy time for the SES.

“It’s extremely dangerous conditions on the ground, with high fast-flowing water through the central business district of Forbes,” he said.

“Floodwater contains many contaminants that could include toxic chemicals, sewerage and deceased animals, which pose considerable risk if exposed.”

NSW SES members have also assisted with vital resupply for properties outside the township.

“The Forbes CBD is isolated and like an island,” Chief Superintendent Murphy said.

“NSW SES crews have helped transport emergency services personnel, and more than a thousand residents remain isolated or evacuated.

“Early aerial assessments indicate flooding may have affected hundreds of homes and businesses.

“We expect the water to remain in the area for several days, and when waters recedes, we will get people back to their homes as soon as it is safe to do so and complete damage assessments.”

For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW SES on 132 500. In life threatening situations, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.

Tweed Coast Unit - 6 Centennial Drive Pottsville NSW
EPiC - Women's Workshop - Emergency Preparedness in Community
EPiC - Women's Workshop - Emergency Preparedness in Community Saturday 27/07/2024 09:30 AM to 27/07/2024 04:00 PM
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